Register now for the ITACET training courses at the WTC 2019!

Although the courses are open to a wide public, they particularly target students and young tunnelling professionals eager to benefit from an opportunity to learn from some of the world’s top tunnelling experts. The WTC 2019 will see two ITACET short courses on offer, which will address two very different issues.
“Tunelling 4.0: Information Technology for the Design, Construction and Maintenance of Underground Works”
A two-day course entitled “Tunelling 4.0: Information Technology for the Design, Construction and Maintenance of Underground Works” will take place on 3rd-4th May 2019. The aim of this course is to highlight some of the most advanced aspects of digital and information technology applications in the design, construction, maintenance and refurbishment of underground works. The use of BIM in tunnelling will be presented and discussed, providing attendees with relevant examples from the design to the “as built” model implemented during construction, in addition to the use of BIM during maintenance and refurbishment of underground infrastructure.
The second key topic of the course is the use of automation and virtual and augmented reality as tools to improve the tunnel construction process. Advanced technologies available for geotechnical mapping and exploration, surveying and monitoring will be discussed, together with automation applied to equipment used in underground construction and to quality control and assessment processes.
The course is designed to inform designers, site managers, young engineers and university students how the most recent innovations in information technology can be applied to tunnelling and be used to improve design, construction and maintenance processes.
“Communication and Stakeholder Engagement during Tunnel, Design, Construction and Operation.”
The second course on offer will take place on 4th May 2019 and will address the issue of “Communication and Stakeholder Engagement during Tunnel, Design, Construction and Operation.” There is growing awareness of the need for efficient communication with the populations and the stakeholders involved in the increasing number of underground projects all over the world. Engaging in dialogue is necessary at all stages of ideation, financing, design, construction and operation. In addition, the considerable rise in sustainability policies and procedures over recent years mean that communication strategies need to be adapted accordingly, whilst making the most of new media.
This course will provide advanced information on communication techniques and approaches that can be applied to foster interaction amongst stakeholders, through the use of new media. It will explain sustainability assessment procedures with a special focus on underground works. Finally, relevant cases histories and examples of best practices will be presented from all over the world.
Registration for both ITACET courses is now open and discounts are available for students and ITA Young members.